Videos made with OnlineVideoEditor by education users

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Get inspired and see what students, teachers, professors and school staff have made with Moovly: explainers, edtech lessons, project videos, video assignments, announcements…

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OnlineVideoEditor Templates

The Immune System Book Trailer

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Pollination explained

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Teacher Presentation

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Nuclear weapons

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Security in the Internet of Things

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Time management

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Palm oil production

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Lesson Summary

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Help prevent the spread of Covid-19

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Poetry assumptions

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Equality for women

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Newton’s laws

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Company Overview

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

French book trailer

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Coffee cup conversation

OnlineVideoEditor Templates


OnlineVideoEditor Templates

The Hyderabad Massacre

OnlineVideoEditor Templates

Setting up a Raspberry PI

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